Last week, I posted my first blog post about the #EUreferendum. 22 February was just two days after MC Wee Davey C had held the first weekend cabinet meeting since the Falkands War, having returned from Brussels in triumph.
Since 22 February, seven months have passed, and the bloody vote won’t take place until 23 June.
[Pass the time with some whimsy over at the Apoplexy Tiny Letter.]
As I remarked to Mrs Stroke Bloke the other day – probably regurgitating something I’d seen on Twitter – the whole thing is already looking like the shit sequel to #indyref.
So, I won’t be blogging much about this. If I’m bored with it already, god knows you won’t want to be reading any more about it here. So it was a relief to spend the weekend writing about this
and this
Unfortunately, this meant that I didn’t have much time to focus on the topics which might make for an interesting blog post. And there have been little nuggets of interest squeezing through the blanket Brexit coverage.
But if you’re British, you need to Vote, Man. And if like a significant portion of readers, you’re American, there’s a kind of universal aspect of the Brexit campaign that might be instructive for all that voting you have to do this year.
You said it, Paxo. Or, did you?
We all got to know BoJo a little better last week. Sorry, my bad. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that Eddie Mair was also covering London Mayor Boris Johnson’s Telegraph piece on the PM programme last Monday (starting around 53:29). Eddie had one of the BBC’s Reality Check team on hand to analyse the piece.
Boris had claimed that, because of Europe
- we can’t recycle (presumably he meant compost) a teabag
- children under eight can’t blow up balloons
- there are limits on the power of vacuum cleaners, egads!
- there is nothing we can do to introduce better designed cabs for trucks to protect cyclists.
Long story short, of those four claims – “two are a bit silly” (I think this means, “are lies”), one was actually a problem when Boris first raised it because he feared the UK government might object, and the other limits the power of vacuum cleaners.
And let’s face it, British people do need to be regulated when it comes to vacuum cleaners.
Appropriately enough, today’s debate has consisted of the different factions of the government accusing each other of being lying bastards. Hopefully, both sides can lose.
So, whether you’re voting in the Brexit referendum, the devolved elections in the British Isles, the Presidential primaries, or the Presidential election, keep one thing in mind.
I’m sorry. This week your photos are too distracting for me to comment on your text.
The foot had me obsessing about the Sigiriya lion’s paw. And then I got to Hoover man.
Wow. The Sigiriya lion’s paw is awesome. Thanks! The Manuscript of Monte Cassino is a reference to this guy‘s sculpted foot, I believe.
Less (or more) wholesomely, I’m only slightly disappointed to find that a Google Image Search for ‘”Plastic Man” vacuum cleaner’ (because Hoover Man should be a great comic book hero) comes up with this.