We’re just over a week into 2018, and already it seems like
2018 : 2017 : : 2017 : 2016
Maybe things look more upbeat in the United States, where instead of Weak And Wobbly Theresa, there’s a VERY STABLE GENIUS!!! in charge.
We’re just over a week into 2018, and already it seems like
2018 : 2017 : : 2017 : 2016
Maybe things look more upbeat in the United States, where instead of Weak And Wobbly Theresa, there’s a VERY STABLE GENIUS!!! in charge.
Phew! Between a dose of the Dreaded Lurgy, travel, and the end-of-year festivities, things got away from me a bit for a couple of weeks there.
So it’s thank goodness for the New Year.
Or, is it? Alongside the usual end-of-year reviews and goals for 2018 that I’ve been seeing on my soshul meeds, there’s also been a bit of sniffiness about New Year and New Year’s resolutions. But perhaps nothing quite as scornful as this 1916 column from Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci:
“I hate these New Year’s that fall like fixed maturities, which turn life and human spirit into a commercial concern with its neat final balance, its outstanding amounts, its budget for the new management.” — Antonio Gramsci, January 1st, 1916 https://t.co/6HB8zJo4Le
— Viewpoint Magazine (@viewpointmag) January 1, 2018
[Be sure to catch more lighthearted japes in the Apoplexy Tiny Letter!
Oh, and there’s some actual stroke stuff if you read on!]
So, wow. Last week’s post was kinda prescient, wasn’t it?
It turns out Moz really is a bit of a monster.
I should have known he’d have something unhelpful to say on the subject. Devious, truculent, and unreliable, right enough.
[We don’t need to talk about Moz. Let’s career off in a different direction…] Continue reading Kicking Boys
Here is the news…
Whimsical blog of #stroke survivor credited with 38,000% increase in lookups for ‘apoplectic’: https://t.co/jNgTaCxKx1#Trump @VanityFair https://t.co/Tat9SOhy97
— Ricky Monahan Brown (@ricky_ballboy) November 2, 2017
[Is this more FAKE NEWS?!?! Read on to find out where Stroke Bloke’s going with this…] Continue reading Apoplectic Me
So, we got through the first two seasons of Twin Peaks, twenty-five years later. Which is good, because now we can watch Twin Peaks: The Return. Which is… interesting…
Which is to say, it probably deserves me getting through the whole thing before saying something half-baked about it. So let’s talk about something else. Kinda.
[Dreams. We’re gonna talk about dreams. Read on…] Continue reading In Dreams
Mrs Stroke Bloke and I finished binge-watching the two original seasons of Twin Peaks last night. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get into the minutiae – you know, spoilers. you’ve either seen it or you haven’t. And if you have, the odds are you probably got as far as we did back in the Nineties. i.e., not very far.
[Killer BOB politely suggests that you plough on through this blog post, though.] Continue reading Twin Peaks
This past weekend, I celebrated my Fifth Strokiversary (1, 2, 3, 4). Which I guess means Stroke Bloke is five.
A fair amount of water has passed under the bridge in five years. Let’s reflect, shall we?
[For more personal reflections, join me at the Apoplexy Tiny Letter.] Continue reading Now We Are Five
Man, what a week.
In chronological order
[Check out the apoplexy newsletter for more knockabout fun.] Continue reading Tangents
So – two weeks later – I’ve finally reconciled myself to the ending of the live-action version of Ghost In The Shell.
My question about the Hollywood movie of Ghost In The Shell was:
Read on for the “exciting” answer…
OK. Two weeks ago was #stroke news. Last week was music. That must mean that this week, it’s… SCI-FI!!!
But let’s not be too predictable. I’m not going to bang on too much about last weekend’s Doctor Who. Although Smile was a good little episode. Thought-provoking. In fact, as I think about it again, I reckon that it might have been more satisfying that this week’s bigger, sexier, sci-fi outing.
[For even more satisfaction, check out the Apoplexy Tiny Letter.] Continue reading Ghost in the Shell